Saturday, October 01, 2011

Autumn BookFest : Giveaway #1

Have I ever told you guys how awesome you are? Because I've honestly never met so many people who could break the "AWESOME SCALE" before in my life! Blogging never would've been this much fun without you guys I don't know how to thank you!

Mimi Valentine

Except I do! :)

In honor of all my AMAZING followers (and I still grin like an idiot whenever I remember that the number is now over 400), I am going to try and spoil you with awesome giveaways this season! They'll all be under the "autumn bookfest" label so they're easy for you to find.

Giveaway #1

The Rules:
  1. There will be one winner. 
  2. Giveaway ends on November 5, 2011 @ 11:59 p.m.
  3. Be a GFC follower (which, by default, makes you awesome). 
  4. Be 13 or older.
  5. Live in the US or Canada. 
  6. Fill out the form.
The Prize: Any one book of your choice with a limit of $25 (USD)! 

The Extra (not required, yet still appreciated) Entries: You can find them on the form! 

Why Autumn?: Because I think it's the best season ever! It's packed with my birthday, Halloween, mild temperatures without rain, and all the leaves are changing colours! What's your favourite season? :)

*****FORM CLOSED*****

You guys are SO awesome! By the end of the season, I promise you'll hear me say that more times than you can probably count! :)



  1. Awesome giveaway, thanks! It was so hard to decide what book to choose as the one I'd like if I win, haha. There are too many on my wishlist!

    Autumn is my fav season, too. The crisp air, the changing leaves, the smells and seasonal foods...Halloween, my birthday, the fall clothes...what is NOT to love about this season?

  2. Fall is the best season! I love the crispness in the air and nearness of the best holiday's of the year. Love fall. (Spring is good too) (:


  3. I am more of a Spring person. Weather is perfect for short sleeves and jeans and so sunny that it's hard not to smile when you are outside. But fall is a close second.

  4. My fave season is winter although since I live in California, I don't get the snow that defines winter for me.

  5. My favorite season is winter because I LOVE to snowboard. I also love the quietness to it and the way that the world is blanketed in white. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I really love the fall too. I live in WI & the colors here this time of year are amazing.

  7. I love autumn! After the heat and humidity of summer to be able to cuddle under blankets and read in the cool fall is a dream!

  8. Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm right there with you. Fall is my favorite season, too! Fall brings cooler weather, football games and beautiful landscapes.

  9. My favorite season is summer, but fall comes in second, I think.

  10. Brilliant giveaway. I have to say my favorite season is fall. You have that nice crisp in the air. Its' also not too hot, not too cold/

  11. I love autumn, its not too cold, not too hot, and the days are the perfect length, and the nights seem more productive!

  12. My favorite season is fall, too! All for the same reasons you did. And I love to start wearing sweaters and riding boots :) Its also the perfect season to be curled up on the couch w/ a good book and a hot beverage. :D

  13. my favorite season is spring because its not too cold and not too hot. plus its beautiful when flowers bloom!

  14. Awesome giveaway! Thank you!

    My fav. season is definitely summer. Winter in Canada is not pretty! I love being able to go out without bundling up like an Eskimo.

    Xpresso Reads

  15. Fall has always been and will forever stay my favorite season! I love the cooler weather, the apple picking, the falling leaves, the trees how they look before the leaves fall, and of course Halloween!

  16. Oh my goodness! 400 followers! Congrats Mimi :D
    Thanks for this amazing giveaway! You say that we are all awesome, but you are too.

    I just wanted to hop by and let you know I finished Delirium. Squeal!! :D It was absolutely amazing!!

    -Your old and faithful follower (:

  17. My favorite season is summer. I like to bike and swim so i prefer hot weather!

  18. My favorite season has always been fall. I love the more mild temperatures, but I also love the smells and the sight of the leaves changing color.

  19. I love summer, because it rains too much in Oregon during the other three seasons!

  20. Winter is by far my favorite season. Snow, a warm fireplace, blanket, hot chocolate, and a book. Nothing is better than that.

  21. I haven't decided what book I want yet...I will check if it's under $25! :)


  22. I love fall. Live in New England and I love watching the leaves change color. The temperature is just perfect, not too hot, not too cold.

  23. Fall has always been my favorite season! After the miserable summer heat, it's always a relief to have cooler weather. Nothing like jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt. Something about the weather, shorter daylight hours, the beautiful colors surrounding's just amazing!

    Halloween is my favorite holiday and I'm so glad it's during Fall. I love having a little niece to dress up and have fun with for such a fun holiday.

  24. I enjoy the all but I don't like winter. If fall was longer I would feel better, but as it is now...I think winter is coming....

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. My favorite season is definitely fall. I love the cool air and the smell of wood stoves starting up :)

  26. Summer, hands down! My birthday season and when I feel most comfortable - and the clothes are the cutest!

  27. Definitely the Fall. I like it from now until Marchest :]

  28. my favorite season is summer since its so sunny and beautiful outside

  29. No..... you're AWESOME!

    So happy I found your blog and started stalking appropriately. Heh.

    And yay, your b-day is coming up. How fun! I guess I'd have to say Spring time is my favorite because of my b-day, but as I get older, I think that will change. LOL

  30. My favorite season is autumn/fall cause it's cooler, yet drier (usually) than spring.

  31. Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win! I like Autumn because it's a relief from the heat of Summer and I like seeing the beautiful trees with their red, yellow, and orange leaves!

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

  32. My favorite season is Spring. Why? Because I'm not a fan of the cold and it gets really cold here. Once Spring arrives it means the cold will be going away. And flowers start blooming always a plus. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. Winter is my fave I love the cold weather

  34. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

    My favorite season is summer.

  35. My fave season is Fall. I like the cool weather and the changing leaves :)

  36. Spring not too hot not too cool just perfect!

  37. Thank you so much for this lovely giveaway! I love Autumn for pretty much the same reasons. My birthday, decent weather and HALLOWEEN.

  38. Thanks for the giveaway Mimi! You're the best!

    My favorite season is summer. I love the heat and being outside by the pool or barbequing with friends. And the nights always seem electric during the summer.


  39. My favorite season is Autumn. Although I don't get the drastic change of the leaves like the northeast, I do enjoy watching everything change. I love that it gets cooler out, but not cold yet. And my favorite thing about fall is that I get to eat and drink pumpkin flavored everything, from coffee to treats to nuts.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  40. My favorite season is definitely autumn. Here in Texas, winter is not much different than autumn, but you really notice the changes in fall the most. The turning of leaves, the crisp air... it makes for a fantastic season. :)

  41. There's something about each season that I like. But my favorite one is the one we are in now! Fall! :D

  42. Autumn is my favorite season! My husband and I are Marching Band instructors so it's our big competition time of the year (he's a percussionist and I teach color guard). 3 of my 4 kids were born in September. I love all of the fall holidays and events. It's just the best!!

  43. totally winter, I love the snow, and the cold, and hot chocolate. and reading by the fire. Great giveaway, thanks!

  44. Fall is my favorite season by far. Football, Halloween, new TV shows, and lots of federal holidays.

  45. Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I love Fall - the crisp air, which really does smell different, and the changing leaves. I love spring too.

  46. My favorite season without a doubt is fall. I love the cool weather and the bite in the air. I love pulling my sweaters and boots out of the closet and having a fire in the fireplace at night. I love wearing socks to bed because the floor is too cold in the morning. I love the different colors, the reds, oranges and browns.

  47. I love Autumn because it is the season in which I have my birthday!

  48. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I think my favorite season is Spring b/c it's not too hot or cold :P

  49. Probably early Fall. Though late Spring comes in a close second! :) Both are so beautiful, and not too hot or cold! :)

  50. My favorite is spring not to warm! thank you so much for the great giveaway!

  51. Summer is my favorite, probably, b/c there's nothing like reading outside. And in Oregon, summer is short. And therefore more valuable. Next is Autumn w/ birthdays and cozy cups of tea. Winter is typically very wet around here, so spring would be next. Although, if we see snow, or actually get snowed in... well!! Roasting marshmellows over a fire in the fireplace skips right to the top quickly.

    :-) Fun question. Great giveaway!!

  52. My fave season has to be summer!
    1. Beaches and Vacations
    2. NO School

  53. My favorite season is spring. I love the sound and the smell of rain, so I keep my windows open to hear and smell it. Plus that's when all the flowers come up, I get my best pictures in the spring.

  54. Aw I really love Winter, it's so chilly and fun. I love to dress warm and get excited for the season of giving gifts.

    But it's really hard to pick - I do love all seasons for different reasons! :)

  55. You are an absolutely doll to be hosting this giveaway, thank you so much for your kind generosity. I think the Fall is totally my favorite time of year, because I love the fact that it not only signifies changes in the weather but can signify changes and shades in your life as well. It's like there's a sweeping out of the old and a welcoming in of the new, plus it's all pretty with the leaves a burnt rustic color, the tree's barron, then you have the first hues of new life coming into existence. ;)

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  56. I Love Autum and Spring! <3 they are my favorite times of the year cuz it's not too cold but not too hot. although i prefer the warmer part of autum rather then the colder part of autum.

    Terri M

  57. Autumn is my favorite season. Its not too cold, not hot. Mother nature is painting herself is a huge array of stunning colors. The sky is a live canvas of colorful horizons.

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  58. I think fall is probably my favorite season, with the temps cooling off. However spring is pretty awesome, too!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  59. All the seasons are beautiful here in NY state. My bday is in spring, I was married in fall but summer is my absolute favorite! Warm weather, beautiful flowers and trees, fireflies, late sunsets and reading in my hammock. Ah, the best! And we just had our first snow last week - so depressing...

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway! :)

  60. My favorite season is fall...because it's not too hot and not too cold.

  61. Fall is one my favorite seasons, because it's nice warm weather that you only need to wear nothing but boots and a jacket.. And the beautiful colors of the leafs are just breathtaking... Anyways, Thanks again for such a cool giveaway....

  62. My favourite season would probably be spring! It's when the weather gets warmer but not TOO hot and there's summer to look forward to after it!

  63. Hi!
    My fav season is fall : the color, the smell, the change and most of all : Halloween!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  64. I love autumn because where I live in the midwest it's gorgeous! I live in a typical college town too so it looks beautiful both on and off campus. I love the general environment.

    Thanks for the opportunity!


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts! I love hearing what you have to say, and I always try to comment on one of your blog posts in return! :)

It's really nice to meet you!