Friday, July 15, 2011

Celebration & Appreciation Giveaway!!


Last week, I participated in the Once Upon a Read-a-Thon hosted by Candace's Book Blog, Pure Imagination, and Reading Angel. It was my very first read-a-thon, so I stayed up really late (or should I say early?) each night to finish as many books as I could, despite how busy I was. And I reached my goal of FOUR books in three days! Yay!

Plus, I want to take the time to thank all of my followers for everything they've done to encourage me as a new blogger. It really means a lot to me! You guys are the best! :)

I promised everyone that I'd have something special to celebrate my accomplishment, so here it is!

What's is it exactly? A GIVEAWAY! Yes, it's my very first one, so I'm going all out! Here are the choices:

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer (PB)

 Heist Society by Ally Carter (HC)

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (HC)

Wishful Thinking by Alexandra Bullen (HC)

Need by Carrie Jones (HC)

Dark Flame by Alyson Noel (HC)

Crusade by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie (HC)

Beastly by Alex Flinn (PB)

 Across the Universe by Beth Revis (HC)

Ta-da! Do you like them? I hope so, because this giveaway is going to start out with ONE winner, but if I somehow miraculously manage to reach 100 followers by the end of this giveaway, I'm going to choose another winner from this pile! That means that TWO people will have the chance to win a book from this list!

And then I'll do my 100 Followers Giveaway another one, in addition to this! with a whole new pile of even more awesome books! :)

You must be of age 13 or older to enter, and you have to follow my blog. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL

Extra entries (not required):
+1 : Tweet about this giveaway.
+1 : Create a Facebook post about this giveaway.
+2 : Comment on this post.
+5 : Comment on any of my reviews. 
+10 : Blog about this giveaway. 

All you have to do is fill out this FORM. Giveaway ends on August 1, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. Winner(s) will be chosen using You can read my policies here. Thank you! :)



  1. Amazing book choices!
    Thank you very much for hosting this giveaway, and congratulations on reaching your goal on the read a thon. 4 books 3 days is really something!

  2. That's a lot of books! Have you read Crusade yet? I'm asking because I'm part of the blog tour in celebration of the next book coming out in that series. There will be a giveaway and interview in September for it. I hope you stop by!

  3. Congratulations on reaching you goal! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. They all look like such awesome books! And thank you for making it international!

  5. Congrats on reaching your goal! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

    New follower.

  6. Great blog and a really awesome giveaway! Congrats in finishing 4 books in 3 days! New follower =)
    Have a great day!

  7. Great giveaway - it'll be hard for the winner to choose which book to grab!

  8. Awesome giveaway. There are a couple of books there that are in my wishlist!

  9. Awesome giveaway !. These are great books, all on my TBR list !

  10. So many awesome books! Thanks for this fantastic contest!! Love your blog!

  11. Thanks for the chance to win! Your blog is super cute!!!

  12. Awesome giveaway, so many books I want to read! Thanks!

  13. Wow, congrats for the Read-a-Thon! I was going to participate in one a few months ago but something happened and I missed my chance :(
    Anywho, well done! :D

    Thanks for sharing your happiness with us, hehe.


  14. This is so nice of you. Two awesome giveaways. Thanks toots :)

  15. Thanks Meghan for sharing this awesome giveaway and thanks, of course, MIMI for a chance to win from a pile of really good books!!

  16. Thank you for this giveaway.

  17. This is a really good giveaway for sure!! Thanks!

  18. This is really nice of you to do this. Thanks.

  19. What a great giveaway. Thanks. XD

  20. thank you so much for the chance to win!!:)

  21. Yippie!! I made it on time. Thank you for this giveaway!!

  22. Yes. So very kind of you. Thanks! :)

  23. Thanks for the chance to win one of those amazing books. :)


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts! I love hearing what you have to say, and I always try to comment on one of your blog posts in return! :)

It's really nice to meet you!