Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Review: Firelight

Book: Firelight
Author: Sophie Jordan
Release Date: September 7, 2010
Publisher: Harper Teen
Pages: 323
Source: KPL
Stars: 3/5
A hidden truth.
Mortal enemies.
Doomed love. 
Marked as special at an early age, Jacinda knows her every move is watched. But she longs for freedom to make her own choices. When she breaks the most sacred tenet among her kind, she nearly pays with her life. Until a beautiful stranger saves her. A stranger who was sent to hunt those like her. For Jacinda is a draki—a descendant of dragons whose greatest defense is her secret ability to shift into human form. 
Forced to flee into the mortal world with her family, Jacinda struggles to adapt to her new surroundings. The only bright light is Will. Gorgeous, elusive Will who stirs her inner draki to life. Although she is irresistibly drawn to him, Jacinda knows Will's dark secret: He and his family are hunters. She should avoid him at all costs. But her inner draki is slowly slipping away—if it dies she will be left as a human forever. She'll do anything to prevent that. Even if it means getting closer to her most dangerous enemy. 
Mythical powers and breathtaking romance ignite in this story of a girl who defies all expectations and whose love crosses an ancient divide. 
(summary taken from Goodreads)

Sophie Jordan's Firelight is a quick, adorable, and pulsating read about descendants of dragons called draki. I love the premise for this book — it's so original! Plus, dragons are completely awesome, and half-human, half-dragon shapeshifters are even more awesome!

At some points, the main character Jacinda bothered me a little but I didn't hate her for it. When her mother steals her away from her kind to try to kill off that draki part of her, the part that matters most to her, Jacinda has a reason to be resentful. She has a reason to want to rebel and keep that part of her alive, even if it means getting closer to a hunter that makes it burst to life.

Oh, Will! How awesome is he? The very first time Jacinda meets him in the book (when she's in draki form), I can tell that they're going to have a huge connection. I love him so much more than Cassian, the male alpha for Jacinda's pride who seems to claim her mostly because she's the only fire draki.

The plot is fast-paced and the writing is really easy to read. And the cover is so pretty, with the fiery red hair and scales around the eyes! All in all, Firelight was a great first novel in a series that I'm excited to continue reading! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Vanish!  

BUY or BORROW?: If you're a huge fan of dragons, I totally recommend that you buy this series. You'll love the draki world, for sure! :)



  1. I adore Will-as in he's in my top 5 favorite YA heroes! I can't wait to read how Vanish builds on the world created here and delves into the draki mythology.

  2. @Bookworm1858 : Same here! Will is just plain awesome :) We might have to create a book club to gush about him after we've read Vanish! ;)

  3. @T.B. : It really does! The premise is what first intrigued me about this series, too -- that, and the beautiful cover. ;) Thanks so much, Tessa!

  4. Loved Vanish!!! After reading twilight saga I keeped looking for something comparable, now I have found it!!! I loved the whole Draki theme. They were described so beautifully.
    I Think the books would make for a great and beautiful movie!!
    So excited for more!


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