Monday, February 20, 2012

Review: Pure

Book: Pure
Author: Julianna Baggott
Series: Pure #1
Release Date: February 8, 2012
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pages: 448
Source: publisher (Thanks so much, HBG Canada!)
Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Website | Publisher
Stars: 4/5
Pressia barely remembers the Detonations or much about life during the Before. In her sleeping cabinet, she thinks about what is lost--how the world went from amusement parks, movie theaters, birthday parties, fathers and mothers . . . to ash and dust, scars, permanent burns, and fused, damaged bodies.

(summary taken from Goodreads)

Wow. This book is a STUNNER. It's dark and disturbing and creepy-cool, but it's also so darn fascinating! I don't think I've ever read a book like it before, and I don't think I ever will again! 

Set after the Detonations (which caused mutations that merged inanimate objects to some people's bodies), Pure takes place in a post-apocalyptic world that twists the definition of "dystopian" and molds it into something darker, something terrifying, something that makes me so thankful I don't live there and captivated at the same time. 

Admittedly, Pure starts out so slowly that I had trouble getting into it at first, but as soon as I was immersed in the world, I was captured like a butterfly in a net! I empathized with Pressia more and more as the story went on because can you imagine how awful it would be to have a doll face for a hand? and the other layered characters took my breath away, too!

As dark and detailed as it is, Pure may not be for everybody, but I really hope you give it a shot anyways! I didn't expect to love it this much but I did. Julianna Baggot has such beautiful prose, and her imagination makes you wish you'd thought of this yourself.  

Ominous and dangerous and probably one of the most vivid books I've ever read, Pure is a novel that blew my mind continuously. I'm really excited to see what the next book will bring!

BUY or BORROW?: This is a hard question because as much as I adored this book, I know that some people will love it and some people won't. So for now, I'll say pick it up first and buy it after, if that makes sense! ;) 



  1. Creepy-cool! haha. Yes it sure is. I'm so glad you liked it too. I agree it's definitely not a book everyone could swallow but it's so creative and has great world building. Wonderful review Mimi!

  2. Dark and disturbing is definitely a good way to describe this one, but just like you said, it's absolutely fascinating as well. Her imagination has me a bit in awe, my mind just doesn't work that way:) Oh well, that's why I read! Wonderful review Mimi, so glad you were a fan of this one!

  3. I'm reading this now and even though it's sort of slow going I think the mutations are AWESOME!!! CRAZY GROSS :D

  4. I haven't felt sure about this one based on the mixed reviews I've been reading for it, but that is great advice, borrow first then if I like it, buy myself a copy. I could do that. And it never hurts to walk into the imagination of someone else's world and find yourself wishing you were just as creative. Out of this world review, Mimi. :)

  5. Dark, disturbing, fascinating, vivid...sounds like a good book to check out!

    Fabulous review :D

  6. Great review Mimi!! I was very interested in this book, but now that I see what is it about... well, I guess this one isn't for me :P :)

  7. Confession time: I was not planning to read this book. I keep hearing some really mixed reviews about it and it sounds really strange! But you always have this contagious effect of making me want to pick up books I hadn't wanted to before, Mimi -- now I'm actually gonna give this one a go! (:

    Fantabulously extraordinary and breathstealingly amazing review, Mimi-Doll! <333333333 I love how you took into account the fact that some people will like this and some people won't. It makes me trust your opinion that much more! I'm pumped up to read this now! (:

  8. I wasn't so sure if I would be picking this one up, but I've only heard awesome things about it. And now your review? I NEED THIS ASAP.

    Haha, great review, Mimi :)

  9. I've heard some really interesting things about this book and hearing it was "creepy cool" just adds to it! The doll face for a hand sounds incredibly terrifying. I'm fascinated by books with a darker vibe and this one really sounds disturbing. Thank you for your wonderful review, as always! x

  10. happy dance happy dance/ you finally read it yaaaaay/ confetti
    rad review girl ^-^

  11. I know this book has been getting a whole range of mixed reviews, but I really enjoyed it personally. I'm glad you did too, Mimi! Brilliant review as always. I was also captivated by the world but so thankful I didn't live in such a place! I can't wait to get the next book now. :D Hopefully it is just as good, if not better.

  12. I love that you reviewed this now, while it's still fresh in my head. I agree with Sam, the reviews are all over the place (including my 3-star cop out), but there were many things I liked and I'm so happy you enjoyed it. It defintiely showed quality.
    Wonderful review, Mimi. :)

  13. Sounds like a love it or hate it type of book. And those are always fun to pick up and read every once in a while. This one sounds dark and the concept interesting. The idea of inanimate objects as body parts. That would be something different to read about and I'm wondering how the author creates and develops that aspect of the book. The world sounds frightening as well, and it's cool to be scared every now and again. I'll have to keep this one in mind when I'm in the mood for something dark and creepy. Great review MiMi!

  14. I'm really glad you liked this one, Mimi! Sadly, I just couldn't get into it at all and had to put it down. I wish I would have gotten into it, because the world is most definitely fascinating, but... *sigh* Many seem to really dislike it though, so I'm glad to see some positive feedback still! Maybe I'll have to try and give it another go some time I have more time to drag myself through that first half. Really great review!

  15. I adore the way you're able to phrase your words when you don't like something about a book. I just get so caught up in my emotions and start ranting. I've heard good and bad things about this one and it's def on my radar because of the cover and your review. Fantastic post as always :)

  16. I actually started to read this book a while ago, but... I CAN'T. I've never been much a fan of dystopia. So yeah. I read the first few chapters and it's so creepy I think it has scared me away forever LOL

    Maybe... someday... when I grow up and I'm not weary of dystopian books I'll pick it up again, but I think it won't be anytime soon. Beautiful cover though! :(

    Great review, Mimi, I hope to hear more of your thoughts on books :3

  17. I've been seeing lots of reviews for this one and it has me very curious! I think I'll definitely have to pick it up in the future and give it a try cause it sounds pretty crazy good!

  18. Gah! I'm SO freaking torn! I LOVE dark books... And I've read so many not so hot reviews on this one... I just don't know!

  19. Now I freaking DESPERATE to read this <3 I've read a lot of 2-star reviews, but it seemed that most people just didn't enjoy it, but the book itself wasn't necessarily bad! Haha 'creepy-cool'! I'm seriously hoping to get myself a copy soon :D I HAVE TO READ THIS! Fantastic review, Mimi! <3 Now I'm convinced that this won't be such a let-down :D

  20. I'm excited about the idea of lovely prose-I've been a little frustrated with some YA writing and I'd love to soak up some beautiful writing.

  21. Eeee! Mimi! I'm so so glad you loved this book! I didn't, but I DID love the things you mentioned! The writing was stunningly beautiful, and the creepy. Wow oh wow. I so hope everyone loves it as much as you did! It was so SO much in the way of amazing going for it! ♥♥♥

  22. Your review always make me want to grab the book, Mimi! You really have a way with words! <3 So glad that you like it, though I noticed that most people just don't! I'm not a big fan of creepy things, but 'creepy cool'? Definitely worth a shot! :)

  23. Awww, I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Mimi! I haven't read the book and I got pretty worried since the book has mixed reviews but your review convinced me to give this book a chance and read it! I love the cover, the butterfly looks gorgeous! Awesome review, dear Mimi! ♥

  24. The varying reviews for this are actually making me even MORE eager to read because I want to see what my reaction will be! It's clearly a novel that will either appeal or fall flat, just depends on the individual. I am SO happy it was a high for you!! I think everyone has agreed that her writing is breathtaking, though <3 And oh, this sounds so haunting and creepy! Amazing review, Mimi!

  25. waouh this one sounds strange. The cover is really nice and the looks very intiguing. I'm quite difficult with post-apocalyptic world, because I didn't read a lot I liked. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, poor Pressia, I couldn't wonder what it must be to live like that. Great review, thanks mimi!

  26. I just couldn't get into Pure (darn that stubborn old suspension of disbelief thing!) but I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was most definitely dark, creepy and creative.

  27. From what I've been hearing, it seems like your point about Pure not being for everyone has pretty much been the consensus of the book blogosphere. Nevertheless, it sounds kind of gritty and different to me, so count me interested. :)


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