Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Review: The Last Princess

Book: The Last Princess
Author: Galaxy Craze
Series: N/A
Release Date: May 1, 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown Books
Pages: 295
Source: Hachette Book Group Canada (Thank you so much!)
Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Amazon CA | The Book Depository | Chapters
Stars: 3.5/5
Happily ever after is a thing of the past.

A series of natural disasters has decimated the earth. Cut off from the rest of the world, England is a dark place. The sun rarely shines, food is scarce, and groups of criminals roam the woods, searching for prey. The people are growing restless.

When a ruthless revolutionary sets out to overthrow the crown, he makes the royal family his first target. Blood is shed in Buckingham Palace, and only sixteen-year-old Princess Eliza manages to escape.

Determined to kill the man who destroyed her family, Eliza joins the enemy forces in disguise. She has nothing left to live for but revenge, until she meets someone who helps her remember how to hope—and to love—once more. Now she must risk everything to ensure that she not become... The Last Princess.

(summary taken from Goodreads)

When you look at this book, you think of a dark, dreary, and dangerous dystopian set in a ruined London. And while it is a dystopian set in England and can be very dark at times, it's also so much more enjoyable and lighter than I expected!

You don't have to worry about being bored with this book The Last Princess is fast-paced and engaging from beginning to end! But sometimes it's a little too fast that it skims over details and shies away from world-building, leaving so much room for plot holes and questions. (I mean, there are cannibals! Creepy-cool idea, right? But we never flesh out why there are cannibals or how London became as ruined as it was.) 

On the other hand, the speed helps avoid the slow beginning that many dystopians tend to have! The story focuses more on the current monarchy and a dictator's revolution to take over it. It's surprisingly political, but in an interesting, cool, and not-boring way. 

Eliza isn't your average princess she's more like a princess-turned-soldier, forced to flee and join the revolutionist army as a spy to save her siblings. She may start out as your typical kindhearted and naive girl, but she matures and proves her bravery by the end.  It's hard not to adore, admire, and ache for her with what Galaxy Craze puts her through!  

I just wish that, like with world-building, we had more investment in the other characters. Cornelius had so much potential to be more than the one-dimensional villain he was (although he was still easy to hate, that's for sure!). And Wesley was a sweet, secretive, and intriguing love interest, but we never got to learn his secrets or motivations.  

With a fascinating premise and a plot that races like your heart, The Last Princess is a unique and adventurous story that you'll probably finish in one sitting. It may not be a flawless book, but it sure is enjoyable to read! :) 

BUY or  BORROW?: If you're looking for a fast and absorbing novel, then this book is definitely worth picking up!



  1. Have you been spying in my brain again??

    I felt pretty much exactly the same! It was such a cool concept and I breezed through it but I feel like if there had been more development on certain things, I would have enjoyed it more. Perfect examples you have with the world-building, Cornelius and Wesley. I wanted to know SO MUCH MORE about all of them because I really did think they were great in the book! Just not explained enough to make me love them.

    This review is SO PERFECT. *sigh* How do you keep doing that?


  2. The premise to this does sound really interesting and I really love the cover too! It's a shame that you didn't enjoy it as much as you had hoped, I think the parts that irritated you would have nagged me too! But a wonderful honest review! :)

  3. As always, your review is so engaging and fun to read. The perfect review to read before a long day at school. The Last Princess sounds like an exciting story! I sometimes do not some faulty worldbuilding in dystopians because I know it must be hard to make a flawless flawed world. Not ever world can be as amazing as Harry Potter.
    Im excited to get to know Eliza! She sounds like a wonderful character!

  4. I'm dying to get my hands on this book! I want more English Dystopias on my shelf, I only have one! The plot of this sounds amazing and I think I can overlook the lack of world and character building. Maybe.

    ComaCalm's Corner =^.^=

  5. Mimi great review! Ive heard great things about this book, and then yours! omg i am so dying to get this one! sounds like my cup of tea. Thanks for sharing<3


  6. I love England and have been eyeing this book ...

  7. "The Last Princess is fast-paced and engaging from beginning to end! But sometimes it's a little too fast that it skims over details and shies away from world-building, leaving so much room for plot holes and questions."

    I pretty much have the exact same sentence in my review Mimi! We are thought twins on this book:) I loved how quickly things moved because it kept me interested, but at the same time, I didn't understand a lot of the whys of the world - why the Seventeen Days, why the fireballs from the sky, why the cannibals, etc. It was a short book too, so I feel like there was room to add an extra page here or there:)

    This review rocked my friend!

  8. I was intrigued about this one when I saw it on your book haul this week but now that I know it's a dystopian I'm even more excited to read it. Especially since it's set in England. That's not something I've seen so far. That fact that it has cannibals is another huge plus. Gonna add this to my TBR for sure.

  9. This sounds like such a nice book. Too bad it wasn't utilized to it's maximum potential but I'll be sure to take note of it. You never know when you'll need a fast-paced, princess story!

    Thanks for sharing :D

  10. Aaah, Mimi! I LOVE YOU beyond words! <3 You always seem to know just what book that's in my mind right now! I just got this book last week and I'm really excited to read it! x) Fast-paced from the beginning?? Sounds like my kind of book! And I have a very healthy obsession of all-things-princess, so this book is a must have for me! :)

    ABSOLUTELY adorable and honest review, Mimi! <3 I love gray characters, so I can completely understand what you feel! Although you were not WOWed by this book, I'm glad that you still enjoyed it in overall! :)

  11. This book seems very odd- the reviews I've read of it are really all over the place. I'm so glad you liked it though, Mimi! Great review as per usual :)

  12. OMG What a friggin awesome sounding book!! First off, I LOVE the author's name so much! :) It's so wicked. And The Last Princess is definitely a totally fantastic sounding read that I have been eyeing for the last couple of months. I can't wait for it to be released!! OMG!! <3

    Riya (The Teen Book Guru)

  13. I really like the sound of this book and "princess-turned-soldier"? How AWESOME! It's a shame that there's not enough character investment, I totally get what you're saying - I do like layered villians!

  14. Excellent review Mimi! I've been wondering about this one for a while now. The concept sounds captivating, plus a dystopian with cannibals, I just might have to check it out - I could use a fast paced book to read in one sitting!

    Thank you for sharing Mimi, I always want to read the books you post about right away! You have great taste! <3<3<3

    Here's mine:


  15. This does make it sound like something I'd want to read. It's just the cover made me think it was more of a heavy SF book, which does not interest me at all. I definitely like the sound of fast-paced, leaving me no time to be bored even if it means the characterizations fall short.

  16. There are cannibals? LOL I do want to check this one out someday. I like the idea of the princess being a soldier. Great review! :)

  17. I've read this book and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to read the second book, the ending left me wondering! Great Review!

  18. I need to read this one soon---I'm glad to hear that it's a fast, fun read!

  19. Oh that's a little sad to hear! I keep reading about how things just weren't developed enough. Shame since the synopsis sounds so good!! Really hope I can find a way to engage more with these characters.... Wishful thinking to hope for an okay world? :P Great review!

  20. Not sure about cannibals?! Sounds really creepy! Think I'll give this one a read though :)

  21. Ooooohh!!! I want to read this! That's ok that it isn't perfect - sometimes a book like this is exactly what you need. Thanks Mimi for reviewing this - I'll definitely be picking it up sooner than later! :D

  22. I LOVE the cover and love that's it's political in a non-boring way! Fab review, Mimi!!! Plot holes and lack of character development (especially flat secondary characters) bother me but the main character sounds so kickass and the plot sounds so racy and amazing that I'll be sure to read this one! Great review as always, Mimi :) <3

  23. I INSTANTLY fell in love with this cover!!! But I'm not feeling the story line I picked up from the synopsis... *sad face*

  24. Great review!! I hadn't heard of this one but it does sound pretty intereting. That's a bit of a bummer that it doesn't really explain certain things...it almost makes it sound like there should be a sequel or something, but I don't know.

    The summary actually made me think of the movie Anastasia, and how her whole family is killed but she survives. That definitely made me a bit more hooked. LOL


  25. Hmmm...This book seems to have a lot of potential. I think the premise of the story is pretty interesting but from your review I'm wishing the author had spent a little more time on her world building and character development. I hate when a good book leaves me with too many questions about the people and the environment around them. I hope at least the politics in the book is explained well. Great, thorough review. This one is a maybe sometime in the future read for me.

  26. I just finished a dystopia set in England and loved it (Slated), so another one might be just the thing I need. It had the same problem of running right over very important details because of the fast pacing, with the worldbuilding suffering as a result.
    I do like that Eliza is a warrior princess, altough it's too bad that the other characters weren't just as developed.
    The only thing that's a bit strange is the pseudonym Galaxy Craze. Huh.
    Absolutely wonderful review, Mimi!

  27. I bought a copy of this when it first came out, but I haven't managed to pick it up yet! I'm hoping I end up liking this one more than the mixed reviews I've been reading!! *sigh* Great review, I'll have to let you know what I think of it when I'm done!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  28. Cannibals! Yikes! I am sure this is different and unique but I know I would struggle with the lack of detail on the world building and I would want to know more about the cannibals and how they got there.

  29. I understand for the others characters, now it might be due to the first book. I hope it will be the case with the second one (if there is a second one). thanks for the review I was so curious about this, and I love the cover.

  30. This is my first time hearing of this one, Mimi, but it sounds like something I might be interested in. I love the whole idea of modern society going to ruins. I'm not sure why, but I find that kind of book to be so intriguing!

  31. Awww looks interesting!! You're really into dystopian novels in the last times huh, Mimi? :) :) I like the sound of this one :) I should give it a try ;) Great review Sweetie! ;)

  32. Ahaha I thought the same thing about the cover! I'm surprised it's actually lighter. Even though the world building was a bit shaky, I'm glad it didn't hinder your enjoyment of the book overall. I've been hearing mixed things about it but it just looks SO COOL, I'll probably pick it up eventually.

  33. This book sounds really different and intriguing! I'm all for dystopians, so I'll probably check this book out sooner or later. I'm totally in love with the cover. It's gorgeous. I'm a little put off by the fact that many things are one dimensional, but I also love fast paced books... I'm torn! Haha, anyway, thank you for the lovely review, Mimi! <3 :)

  34. Hmmm... Still not sure about this one! I saw it a while ago, and while the idea of a fighter heroine really pulls me in, all that cannibal thing doesn't really make me eager to read it. I get scared so easily! But still, those characters you mentioned sound awesome.

    Maybe I'll pick this up in the end! Dystopian and England seems like a good mix to me :) Nice review, Mimi! I hope school isn't too hard on you these days, and that the high temperatures let you live normally (here it's so hot! and it's not even full Summer! *sigh*) ♥

  35. Sometimes a lot of dystopians skip the world building to the action and while I do like details, as long as it is exciting I can usually go along for the ride. Secondary characters are hard for me to like. I feel like they are never developed like you mention happens in this book. I'm glad it is lighter, I love dystopians but they can be really depressing.

  36. i was never interested in reading this book. it really does sound fun, it really does and different
    but no for me
    tnx for the honest and cool review mimi

    and all the best with school

  37. I actually ended up DNFing this one *hides in shame* I tried. I really did. I just couldn't get into it. This should have been dark and depressing, but the author skirted over too many details for my taste. I kept getting confused! And I didn't care for the romance. It was that cursed insta-love! And not even the good kind that can sometimes work if its understandable. Nope. This one was like "hi, lets make-out!!!!" :P I was really disappointed too because I bought this and once had it as my WoW! Ugh....I might pick it up again eventually but it just wasn't floating my boat at the time. Great review though! Glad you enjoyed it!!

    All the best ♥
    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

  38. I really liked this one, I pretty much read it in one sitting, almost..lol but I agree with most of your points. Eliza definitely matured a lot throught the course of the book. Great review and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  39. Oh, this sounds fun, and with so many people calling it a "single sitting" book, it sounds perfectly up my alley! (Loving that pseudonym, too)

  40. I have never heard of this one before but it sounds really cool. A princess turned soldier in Dystopian London? - I am gonna have to check this one out though the idea of the cannibals kinda gives me the heebie jeebies LOL. I'm kind of a chicken for those things :D

    Great review, Mimi :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  41. This sounds like a fun read Mimi. I really like strong heroines and Eliza seems like she fits the bill. I'm all about the romance though and this one doesn't seem memorable. Great review Mimi! :)

  42. OoOo that sounds truly great and I can#t wait to get my hands on this one. I like that you introduce ratings now, I think I forgot to comment on this post where you discussed this, but I personally truly like them..

    Back to the book - I really like the sound of it and .. Princess and Dystopia? Count me in! Plus, I like the kick ass sound of Eliza!!

  43. Awwww.... I was really looking forward to read this...but it doesn't quite sound like my type of book anymore :S Gahhh as much as I want for half the villains I've read about to..you know... NOT exist, BUT I'd still like a well-written villain for me to absolutely HATE! (Which Doesn't make any sense...but yeahhh :/ My brain isn't functioning properly today! Too much newspaper analysis! LOL) Anywayyy...I'm glad you enjoyed this, Mimi despite the flaws! This will probably go on my "maybe" list :/ Awesomeeeee review Mimiii<3

  44. I am surprised to know this.. I really don't have any idea about this at all.. Thanks for updating me buddy!!

  45. I like political stories when they're done well but it's too bad the villain is one dimensional and the worldbuilding could be better. I still plan on reading this one, Mimi ... someday.

  46. Ahhhh, always nice to come home from school to just read some of your reviews ^^ There is something about your writing style that makes it very easy to read :) I'm still not sure about this book, though. I like the fact that it says 'happily ever after', because my fairytale love immediately makes my heart skip a beat :p haha, but it's a shame that it lacks world-building and investement in other characters..

    Great job, Mimi ^^

  47. Plot holes usually really bother, but with how faced paced this one is, I probably wouldn't even notice them. Great. This means I'd probably be cannibal meat.

  48. MIMI! As always, AMAZING review! This sounds SO fun and exciting, and I love ANYTHING set in England, so that kinda sell me, too ^__^

    SO glad you loved this! ♥

  49. Ooohhh, I LOVE the sound of this book! I love how it's set in London, most dystopian novels are set in the US! I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it as much as you though - I mean I like fast-paced novels but I also NEED to have detail, I'm the sort of person who lingers over wordy descriptions (it must be some form of reading OCD!) but from what you've said in the rest of your review I think I might enjoy it too! Hmm...I'll definitely check it out if I see it in my local bookshop - the fact that there's cannibals is encouraging me to read it! Amazing reviews as per usual, Mimi <3

  50. I really love the cover but I haven't heard much about it, just your review really. Since you say its a lighter read that has me thinking I might like it. And the lack of answers might be okay with me. If I see it at the library I think I will pick it up. Thanks for the awesome review!


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