Monday, April 16, 2012

Review: ReVamped

Book: ReVamped
Author: Ada Adams
Series: Angel Creek #1
Release Date: February 20, 2012
Publisher: Ada Adams
Pages: 300
Source: author (Thank you so much, Ada!!)
Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Chapters
Stars: 4.5/5
A simple mission turned deadly.

Nineteen-year-old vampire Dawn has led a sheltered life within the confines of her father’s presidential headquarters. Upon being sent on a mission to revamp four goofy misfits into guardians of a peaceful little town of Angel Creek, Dawn believes that all her dreams have finally come true. What starts off as a simple task, turns into something unexpected, changing Dawn’s life forever and leading the action-loving, thrill-seeking vampire teen on a path of mystery, danger and intrigue.

When a human girl is kidnapped by a group of rogue vamps, Dawn discovers that there is more going on in Angel Creek than meets the eye. And it all connects to Ethan, the cute newcomer who seems too perfect to be true, Sebastian, the mysterious vampire with a turbulent past, and even Dawn herself. Dawn must not only succeed in revamping the troubled recruits, but must also prevent the vampire race from being overtaken by a malevolent villain who has a strange and obsessive fascination with her. As threat escalates, romance blooms, and ghosts from her past begin to surface, Dawn is sure of only one thing: her life will never be the same.

(summary taken from Goodreads)

Vampire books are usually bloody and dark and nightmare-inducing. But ReVamped focuses more on the fun side of vampires, which is one reason why I adored it so much!  

ReVamped takes place in a world where vampires coexist peacefully together with humans, who idolize vampires rather than fear them. There are TV shows like Next Vamp Idol and Transylvania Shore, as well as drinks like Blood Cola. They even have a Scarlet House for a vampire president next to the human one.

Dawn was so easy to love! As the Born vampire daughter of the Vampire President, she was raised and trained in near-isolation within the Scarlet House. While her training made her more kick-butt than most other vampires, her isolation made her adorably and realistically awkward around some especially boys. She was far from shy and still had a snarky trademark, but Dawn didn't always know how to react to a boy's affection, which was so endearing!  

Other characters, like sweet Ethan, brooding Sebastian, and the vampire misfits who Dawn was sent to whip up into shape, will put a smile on your face as well. My only wish is that we could've gotten to know the characters a bit better dove beneath the polished surface more but I guess there's always room for more development in future installments. 

With a fantastic cast of characters, a fun yet mysterious storyline, and vampires you'll wish lived in your world, ReVamped is a refreshing new take on the supernatural creatures we all know and love! I could never stop smiling at the vampire lore Ada Adams created. It was creative, fun, original, AWESOME. Definitely a novel you'll finish in one sitting! 

BUY or BORROW?: It's only 99 cents as an e-book right now that's a total steal right there! You should definitely grab this book while you have the chance. It's more than just a pretty cover!



  1. I think you just convinced me, Mimi. And for only 99 cents? I think I'll know what to buy with my birthday money *---*

    As much as I love fighter and strong heroines, the ones who are a bit awkward (specially around boys! <3) have a spot in my heart. I really want to get to know all those characters you described. And if the book, as you said, features the fun part of being a vampire, then it's a total must!

    Have a wonderful Monday (as wonderful as Mondays can be...)! <33

  2. Transylvania Shore? That sounds hilarious! I love the thought of a fun side to vampires and this is a book I am looking forward to reading. The characters sounds great too! awesome review, Mimi. I'm glad you enjoyed this and thought is was a refreshing book to read. :)

  3. WOW! I am so glad you enjoyed reading this book, Mimi! I've been seeing this book around lately and your review definitely convinced me I HAVE TO READ IT!

    Awesome review, Mimi! ♥ So glad you enjoyed it!

  4. I like the sound of this! Vampires, out in the open, vampire reality shows, vampire presidents! Sold! I really love vampire books where the vampires and humans coexist. It does make for a lighter and more of a fun read. Also can't beat those dollar deals.

  5. It sounds so good!!! You've made me wanna read it. It's nice to finally have a story where humans are not afraid of vampires, it's a nice change.

    Read Into Hiding

  6. Ooooh, this sounds like such a fun read<3 I think I'll definitely have to grab a copy for myself! I'm sooo glad you enjoyed this so much Mimi!: ) Awesome review!!

  7. I love the notion of Vampires that have "come out of the closet" .... it adds a dimension to the story ... makes it more fun.

  8. Sounds great! I love your review. Your review makes me want to read it!

  9. Great review! I may really like this one. I really enjoyed Drink Slay Love because it also was more on the fun side. I may just have to give this one a try.

  10. Such a fun and amazing review, Mimi! You were worried that you might can't write a good review on ReVamped, but I think you did such a great job here! I love it that you highlight the gentle and exciting part of ReVamped! I agree - most vampire books are focused on the dark, dangerous, and bloody part of vampire, while ReVamped takes a new twist and represents us with the new way to see vampire world! I think I'd love to live in Ada's world! x)

    I can't wait for ReAwakened, I hope it can come out sooner! Have an amazing Monday, dear Mimi! x)

  11. As much as I like my vampires dark and brooding, it's always nice to see another side of them, so I think I would really enjoy this one! I like the idea of vampires as celebrities, it's kind of a fun twist:) I hadn't heard of this one before, thanks so much for putting in on my radar Mimi! Love the cover too, it's gorgeous:)

  12. It's cool that this is a vampire book that is more about the fun instead of the dark side. I definitely prefer a lighter, funnier book to a more dark serious one so this actually sounds more appealing than a lot of other vampire books.

  13. this one sounds like a blast
    tnx 4 the review

  14. Great review Mimi! I absolutely LOVE the sound of this one, awkward vampire girls that kick butt seems right up my alley. Plus, you had me sold at the sweet and brooding boys!

    Thank you for sharing Mimi - have a great Monday! <3<3<3

  15. Oh I just love the cover of this book. I'm glad tou enjoyed it, it's always so great to have a heroine we really like. And a story with vampires, what more can we ask for lol? Great review mimi!

  16. Last week I had no idea about this book, but somehow YOU'VE MADE ME SO EXCITED, Mimi!! Not only did I hear how much you love Ada Adams, but this book sounds absolutely hilarious and fun and sweet! I seriously can't resist a combination of a sweet guy and a brooding one in one story -- talk about epic choices! ;) And Dawn and I could probably bond over not knowing how to react to a boy's affections LOL! Maybe you could create a class to teach us? (x

    Oh Mimi, what a FANTABULOUS review! <33333333 The purple-lovin' girl in me is practically saying, "Must buy, must buy, must buy!" And so I must listen! (:

  17. Wow, this one definitely sounds different and fun! Great review, Mimi! :D

    Angie @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  18. Yay! You liked it!! :) I love Ada Adam's take on the vampire world as well! It really is a fun read :)

    Great review!

  19. The Scarlet House? Hah hah, how fun! I am always on the lookout for books with humor in them, so this one sounds like a must read. Especially since I have a thing for vampires, too. ;) Enjoyed your review as always, Miss Mimi!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  20. I was already totally determined to read this, but your review convinced me even further that I have to put it on my 'up next' list. I've read a short interview with Ada and I really liked her, and besides, Dawn sounds like an adorable heroine and the work seems very interesting too. I love the idea of a Scarlet House.
    Just let me know if you prefer Ethan or Sebastian so I can swoon over the other one. :D
    Wonderful review, Mimi. I'm so happy you had fun with this. <3

  21. Transylvania Shore?!!!

    Seriously, how is it that I don't have this book in my hands right now? Thank goodness for your awesome review! With a price tag like that I can't resist! Honestly, even if it was more, I still probably wouldn't be able to resist!

    The cover does indicate that it might be another dark vampire tale. So glad to hear that is not the case!

  22. Ahahaha!! This book sounds like loads of fun! I'm not a vampire all...but I might add this one because of your awesome review. ;) I guess what I don't like is the dark and bloody part of this might be good for me. However, I also don't like when vampires are "idolized", as you say. might be a toss up for me. But your review has definitely made me think twice about this book! Thanks so much Mimi!! :D <3

  23. Sounds pretty awesome! I do like that the author took a different approach to vampires and that are coexisting with humans quite peacefully. I am chuckling at the Scarlet House and definitely want to know more about the brooder. He sounds fascinating. It's not often you read a vampire book that's not dark and sinister. This seems like a fun take on vampires, and I can't resist that price.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Thank you for reading and reviewing the book, Mimi.

    Just a tiny warning to readers:

    It should be fixed this week, but I just want to ensure that everyone is getting a good copy of the book. :)

    Happy reading!

  26. Oh this sounds SO good! I love me some vampires and it's ALWAYS interesting to see what new light an author will bring - whether gruesome, sparkly, humourous or just something completely NEW - I am so intrigued to explore this world Adams has created! It sounds so... FUN. Not a word I've associated with vampires of late. Damn you making me super eager to check this out, Mimi! :D As always, LOVE YOUR REVIEW!

  27. I like the fact that this one is a fun vampire story and doesn't take itself too seriously. Lol, Angel Creek would be a perfect town for Missie to live in!

  28. OMG!!! I'm in love with this cover... AND how could I have not heard of this before?!?!

  29. Yay! another vamp book you enjoyed, I'm so glad that the vampire books you've been reading aren't focusing on the stuff that so many books have done. This book also sounds like so much fun! The next vamp idol? I would totally watch that! fab review! :)

  30. This sounds like a pretty fun book. It's such a funky idea to have vamps living amongst the real world and having a parallel President. I like that Dawn gets to be the one doing the training. Normally it's the other way around with YA books.

  31. LOL, omg, I love the sound of those shows! And the book in general. Gosh, it sounds fantastic. o: I was curious, but didn't have time to read it before... maybe I should get it while it's at such an awesome prize! Once again you make me want to rush to the store for a book! Great review!

  32. Sounds like so much fun!! I LOVE the sound of the TV Shows and a society where vamps and humans coexist! I'd love to read about the vamp president's daughter and this just sounds like a really fun and cute read! I love that there are so many different kinds of vamp books these days and they are not all of the same mould! You've totally convinced me to get this, Mimi :D

  33. I wasn't planning on reading this one, despite my love of vampire novels, but Mimi you rocked this review and therefore I'm way more interested!

  34. A wonderful review Mimi!

    I recently read and really enjoyed ReVamped as well, I can't wait to get hold of the next installment.

  35. Ooh. I love the idea of this book. It makes me think of a YA version of the Sookie Stackhouse books, in that it focuses at times on the lighter aspect of vampires. I LOVE a good vampy book with humor. This one sounds right up my alley. Sadly, it isn't available at Barnes & Noble but maybe my library will have it. :)

  36. This sounds really good. I love awkward girls. Scarlet House instead of White House?! Lol! Great review Mimi. :)


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