Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Review: Revived

Book: Revived
Author: Cat Patrick
Series: N/A
Release Date: May 8, 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown Books
Pages: 336
Source: Hachette Book Group Canada (Thank you so much!!)
Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Amazon CA | The Book Depository | Chapters
Stars: 3.5/5
As a little girl, Daisy Appleby was killed in a school bus crash. Moments after the accident, she was brought back to life.

A secret government agency has developed a drug called Revive that can bring people back from the dead, and Daisy Appleby, a test subject, has been Revived five times in fifteen years. Daisy takes extraordinary risks, knowing that she can beat death, but each new death also means a new name, a new city, and a new life. When she meets Matt McKean, Daisy begins to question the moral implications of Revive, and as she discovers the agency’s true goals, she realizes she’s at the center of something much larger—and more sinister—than she ever imagined.

(summary taken from Goodreads

Imagine dying 5 times and being brought back to life after every single death! This is Daisy's life in a secret government agency led by an ominous figure they call "God" and as a test subject to a drug that they call Revive. *cues oooh-ing* 

Revived was nothing like I expected it to be! Instead of a fast-paced book about a zombie-like test subject, this book has more of a contemporary feel to it: sweet, warm, easy to relate to. I may be an expert at guessing what's going to happen in a book early on, but the deceiving first half made me unprepared for the surprise twist in the faster last quarter!

Daisy is a character I adored from the get-go. Along with co-hosting a hilarious blog (yup, she's a blogger!) with her best friend Megan, she has such a big heart and brings the word real to teenager without being unbearable. They say curiosity killed the cat, but Daisy's curiosity is what drives the mystery behind the whole God operation.

Matt's a nice guy (although he's definitely no Luke Henry!), but I just couldn't connect with the romance. It didn't have enough development or chemistry to entrap me, and the way that Daisy told Matt everything so soon made me want to shake her. But you'll love the other colourful characters, like Matt's sister Audrey and Daisy's "parents."

With the same kind of flowing prose and smile-worthy cast that Cat Patrick brought in Forgotten, added to a fresh new idea never taken up before, Revived asks you the question: What would you do if you had the chance to live again when other people didn't? :) 

BUY or BORROW?: This book wasn't exactly the intense must-buy I was expecting, but it shouldn't be a book you skip over! I actually really adored it and am glad to have it on my shelf. ;)



  1. In another review someone also said they couldn't believe how fast Daisy told Matt everything. I guess she really wanted someone to accept her maybe? I guess I'll see when I finally get a chance to read this. Very interesting that she dies and comes back five times. I wish the romance was a bit more. I know if I had the chance to live again I would take it!! LOL Give me that drug!!!

  2. Sometimes I actually get frustrated with how long it takes a character to tell someone else their secret so this one might not annoy me so much. How cool is the premise of this one? Sign me up for Revive! Love the idea of Daisy being a blogger ;) More characters should have hobbies!

  3. I absolutely loved FORGOTTEN, so my expectations for REVIVED are pretty high. I'm a bit sad that, so far, all reviews I've read said that it isn't as good as Cat's first book, but nonetheless I'm pretty excited to read it myself. Thanks a lot for your honesty - great review! I'm hoping I'll get around to order a copy soon. :)

  4. This one doesn't seem to be getting as good reviews as Forgotten did, but then, Luke Henry, that guy is going to be hard to beat! I kind of like how Patrick's books have a real contemp feel to them but with that little twist that makes them different. Really looking forward to this one! I have high expectations, but maybe I need to lower them a notch!

  5. I loved Forgotten so much! which is why I got the audio of Revived the minute it was available. I'm nearly done, but not at the end and I agree about the romance - it lacks the spark! and no, Matt is definitely not Luke - who I looooved so much1

  6. I am starting this book today! Very excited to get into it. I am really happy to hear about the surprise twist but not so much the disconnect from the romance. :/ Great review Mimi! :)

  7. This sounds a very interesting book, Mimi! And Daisy seems to be a fun character and she's a blogger too?! Yay! Sorry you didn't like the romance though. Great review! :))

  8. I received a review copy of Revived, and I can't wait to read it. I really enjoyed Forgotten.

  9. I like the sound of a contemporary feel. That makes me think of All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin, which was technically dystopia but had a contemporary feel to me. The comparison makes me optimistic that I'd really enjoy this book. I'm also concerned about the moral implications of reviving people so if Patrick delves into that, I would be very interested.

  10. Well, considering how AH-DORABLE Luke Henry was, this Matt guy has a lot to live up to! :P The whole "God" ordeal is really intriguing me -- you know, since I'm the kind of gal who dreams of being part of a government experiment! (x (Weird as that sounds LOL)

    FANTABULOUS review as per usual, Mimi-Doll! <33333 I'll take your warning about the romance to heart, but I'll also take your advice to read this anyways to heart! Cat Patrick is the Queen of Sweetness, and this sounds just about right! (:

  11. I'm sold on just the cover alone. **Swoons**

  12. Shoot! I was hoping the romance would be a highlight in this one! I'm such a sucker for an adorable romance:) Everything else sounds great though, and I'm glad there's a solid cast of characters to help temper any disappointment to be found in Matt. Thanks for the fabulous review Mimi, I have this one next on my list so now I feel prepared for it:)

  13. YES. This is EXACTLY how I felt! I was expecting a more.... creepy, action-y, dystopian kind of book, but it felt more contemporary. I do wish I had a clearer perception of the feel before going in, because while I enjoyed it, that did disappoint me a little. Still though, it was a really enjoyable read! Ha, but no, I'm not sure any guy could match Luke Henry is the FREAKING ADORABLE department! Oh swoon <3

    Fantastic review, Mimi! <3

  14. Hmmmm... Well I ADORED Forgotten, but I can see how this one is really quite different! I DO love the idea behind it though! Completely thought provoking... I mean.. DYING, and being brought back, FIVE freaking times? Luke was an amazing character in Forgotten- though I'm sorry the romance in this one falls a bit short!

  15. I think the interesting thing about Patrick is that she likes to blur the lines between supernatural and contemporary, like she did with her debut. And while I think the mix can be interesting, sometimes it can also be off. But I think it's still daring for an author to attempt it.

    I have to admit, I was wildly excited about this one, but I'm happy for your review because it helped me level out my expectations.

  16. This book has such an interesting premise! Ooh, I'm more prone to pick it up now that you compared it to a contemp since those usually are my favourites. What a bummer the romance wasn't that great but I like that the supporting characters shone! Fantastic review, Mimi. :)

  17. I can't imagine and I don't want to! Dying must be painful and to do that 5 times will probably make me lose my mind!

    Talk Supe

  18. Oh goodness, sounds like an interesting one. Sorry the romance didn't really work, but the rest of the book sounds like it makes up for it enough.


  19. Thanks for this review Mimi! I've heard a lot of up and down reviews of "Revied", so now I'm wondering how much I'll like it... But I definitely want to give it a try, because you liked it. ;) I'm really interested in the story but I'm hoping it isn't a major disappointment, you know? I do love that she's a blogger - something to connect to! :D

    This review is really great and informative. Thanks for sharing Mimi! <3

  20. Having really enjoyed Forgotten, I probably would have expected something stunningly amazing in this one too. But its good to hear an honest review. I'm still keen to read it, but I least I know what to expect now :)

  21. I haven't read Forgotten so I don't really know the author's particular way of writing (although it sounds like you did like it :D), but I'm so sad that you didn't like it as much! To tell you the truth, I was a bit weary to read this. I don't know why, but the summary wasn't enough to catch my attention. And argh! I always want the books to read to have a unique and exciting love story. Seems like Revived isn't that remarkable for this trait.

    Great honest review, Mimi! Have a wonderful Tuesday. And not too much sun. Here is very hot, and yesterday I even got sunburned. Anyways! Have a fantabulous rest of the day ♥

  22. great review my dear Mimi! you reflect so well everything I think about this novel. I totally agree about the feeling of the book. It feels very contemporary yet, ti doest relly fit into that category, Patrick's books are such hybrids! lol!

    great honest review my dear ^.^ muah!!!

  23. I like the concept of this one. I saw the cover on some other blog and wondered about the story within the pages. Daisy sounds like a fun character to get to know, but too bad the romance didn't sizzle like you expected. That can definitely detract from a book.

    But at least it seems most of the characters were enjoyable and the plot was unpredictable. I'll have to check this one out eventually.

  24. Mimi you always write such wonderful reviews!! I really was caught up in the concept of this book and the interesting looking cover. From your review I feel kinda let down it`s not the fast paced dystopian like book I thought it would be. I am getting more into contemporary now but am glad I didn`t dive into this expecting one thing and getting another. I will still check it out but not as quickly as I originally thought...

  25. Aww, that's a bit disappointing to hear. I've been expecting so much from this one--it sounds fantastic and I really enjoyed Forgotten! I am a bit scared though and hope I'll be on the positive side after finishing. The plot sure is intriguing. o:

  26. Oh I totally agree with the problems of the Matt-Daisy relationship; I think I had a very expectation of Revived, after adoring Forgotten so very much and it quite disappointed me. I could never get past the feeling that Matt was going to turn out bad somehow, like he would betray Daisy (Megan was funny, I loved Audrey and Daisy's 'father'- and the fact that Daisy was both a blogger and shopped on stores like etsy... that was great!), who I loved... he never felt like the right guy.
    Great review!


  27. I had really high hopes for this book, but I am not so sure I will really like it after some things I have heard. Especially when you mentioned it’s not as fast paced, but more like contemporary because I really find no allure to contemporary books at all. Thanks for your honest review!

    Darlene @ Leather Bound and Lovely

  28. I'm really looking forward to this one! While I wasn't a huge fan of Forgotten, I did think the author was way talented. So my fingers are crossed for this one!

  29. She's a blogger! Gotta love that. I'm excited to hear you enjoyed this one, and even more excited to read it for myself!

  30. Cat is a NW author so this is one I will definitely buy. I like that her books are more contempt feeling with a more subtle paranormal twist. I cant wait to see what I think!

  31. OMG, I am SO SO jealous! *death stare* I need to get a copy now! (I'm kidding, I'm happy that you read it, loved it, and reminded me that I need to get to it as soon as possible.)

    The concept sounds incredibly creepy, original and interesting, and don't you just love characters who are also bloggers?
    I'm so sorry that the romance between Matt and Daisy didn't quite work for you, I know how important that is to you.
    Wonderful review as always, lovely Mimi. :)I can't wait to compare notes.

  32. Fab review Mimi, this book has been on my radar for a while now, the premise and the cover is what grabbed my attention! I love it when we get book bloggers in books especially when I know what they're talking about! :)

  33. I've read great things about this book, it sounds really intesting! I think it's always difficult when you can't relate with a character but it happens sometimes. Thanks for the review!

  34. EVERYONE's saying this isn't as good as Forgotten; I guess it's high time I got around to reading Forgotten now, right?! heheheee It's a pity the romance didn't WOW you here...(but seeing as you LOVE LUKE from FORGOTTEN, that's even more reason for me to start Forgotten, eh? :D) I'm a little hesitant to start this now...it feels like this is the type of book that doesn't quite "make an impact" on readers :/ ANYWAY, FABULOUS REVIEW, MIMIIII!<3 I hope Cat Patrick's future books will be as good as her debut & that you'll enjoy it MUCH MORE!<3

  35. YAY for another main character who blogs! I am yet to read Revived, but expected it to be a little intense. But sweet and heartwarming sounds good too. It was the cover that really made me want to read this. That, and when I read the back cover- I was like, I NEED to read this now! You make it sound great though, though it sounds different from what I thought it would be like. I can't believe the organisation in this book is headed my someone called "God"- wow, that makes the premise all the more intriguing!

    I want to read Forgotten too. You make it sound like such a great book. Awesome review, Mimi :D

  36. I was also expecting a fast pace dystopian like story and it was really not. I still enjoyed it though the romance was super sweet and I liked the characters a lot. Lovely review, Mimi!

  37. I am SO intrigued by this book! I don't think you're alone. EVERYONE seems to be saying they were expecting dystopian but got a contemporary-feeling conspiracy thing. I'm intrigued... and as GORGEOUS as the cover is, I don't think it helps... I actually really like the AU cover for this one :)

  38. Dying 5 times? Oh my word!

    Have to check this one out. I have seen it around but didn't know what it was about till now. Great review, Mimi :)

  39. I like the fact that she is a blogger! :D I always like to have the same interest as the main characters. And dying 5 times sounds horrible: imagine that.. Thanks for the great review, Mimi!

  40. Ah, picture books are great! ( : Thanks for your comment!

  41. Oh, I do love a twist. I have to give props to books that can truly surprise me.

  42. Thanks for the review! I have this book already but haven't read it yet. I hope I enjoy it!


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