Monday, May 14, 2012

Review: Purity

Book: Purity
Author: Jackson Pearce
Series: N/A
Release Date: April 24, 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown Books
Pages: 218
Source: Hachette Book Group Canada (Thank you so much!!)
Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Amazon CA | The Book Depository | Chapters
Stars: 4/5
A novel about love, loss, and sex -- but not necessarily in that order.
Before her mother died, Shelby promised three things: to listen to her father, to love as much as possible, and to live without restraint. Those Promises become harder to keep when Shelby's father joins the planning committee for the Princess Ball, an annual dance that ends with a ceremonial vow to live pure lives -- in other words, no "bad behavior," no breaking the rules, and definitely no sex.
Torn between Promises One and Three, Shelby makes a decision -- to exploit a loophole and lose her virginity before taking the vow. But somewhere between failed hookup attempts and helping her dad plan the ball, Shelby starts to understand what her mother really meant, what her father really needs, and who really has the right to her purity.

(summary taken from Goodreads

Warning: This book will make you laugh! You'll be smiling so much that your cheeks hurt at some points, and at others you won't be able to help aching for Shelby as she learns difficult life lessons without a mom to guide her, which no kid should have to do.

Shelby has 5 weeks to lose her virginity before she has to vow against impurity at the Princess Ball. The idea may sound juvenile at first, but it's actually NOT. It's sweet and honest. Shelby is bound by three promises she vowed to her mother before she died of cancer, and even when it's difficult sometimes, she's devoted to following them always. So when two of the promises conflict, she has to rush to fill that loophole before it's too late!

I want to give Shelby a medal of epic snark; she was such a fun, adorable, and heartwarming character! Unlike most teenagers, she takes her promises seriously. But like most teenagers, she's flawed and quirky and ridiculously fun. Along with her best friends, Jonas and Ruby, they make one hilarious trio that you'll be rooting for until the very end.

This is a book about family and friendship, love and loss and yes, sex, but it's not explicit at all so I feel comfortable recommending it to all growing teens, adults, and any fan of Jackson Pearce! She expertly writes about the strained, awkward, yet totally sweet relationship between a daughter and a father who are trying to reconnect.

Absolutely hilarious and surprisingly heartfelt, Purity is a book that has the heart, soul, and quirky fun necessary for a great read. I finished it in one sitting and itched to pick it up again immediately after, all for the reason that it was so much more than I expected! :)

BUY or BORROW?: This is one short and sweet book that will always be able to warm your heart, even on those darkest days! I don't care what people say, but this is buy-worthy in my opinion! ;)



  1. I wasn't sure about this one because of what the story is about (I didn't have a problem with it, just wasn't sure it would interest me) but you've sold me! Shelby sounds like a great protag. (I like them snarky haha) and I'm really curious to see how everything plans out in making both her mom and herself happy. And awww, I love that she's trying to reconnect with her dad. That's sweet. FABULOUS review, Mimi! :) I see I'm not the only one that has an addiction to my computer even before school LOL.


  2. I love the cover! It looks so simple! I haven't read anything by Jackson Pearce but I've been hearing great things about Purity! I will definitely need to check this book out soon and hopefully read it too!

    Awesome review, Mimi! <3 Glad you enjoyed it!

  3. A book which is able to warm my heart, even on those darkest days? Yes, please! <3 This book sounds totally amazing, Mimi, and how much I need something that guarantee me a smile in those tiring days! I thought it would be a sad book, especially since Shelby lost her mother in early age, but you make it sounds more cheerful and promising! <3

    Such a brilliant and lovely review, Mimi! Thanks to your amazing statements, I'm really tempted to check out the nearest bookstore now! Hopefully I can get a copy soon! <3

    PS: I'M SOOOOOO SORRRY that the copy of your The Selection lost in the mail, Mimi! It's the worst! :( If I could, I would definitely track down the Canadian mailmen and demand them to give you the book! I hope you can get another copy soon, Mimi. I'd definitely would love to hear your verdict on that book. :)

  4. Sounsd like the perfect cute and fun book for the summer! wonderful review Mimi! I love how you started the review with "warning".
    <3 Rachel

  5. Aww this sounds like such a fun read. I love that she takes her promises so seriously but can appreciate that her word to her mother has put her in a tough spot. I wonder what kind of understanding she an her Dad come to, or if they even come to one at all. And I love a book that can make me laugh out loud repeatedly. Sounds like you really enjoyed this one.

  6. I really enjoyed this one too and I loved how funny it was it really surprised me I wasn't expecting it. Definitely perfect for a summer read! Lovely review, Mimi!

  7. I'm glad you had such a good time reading this book! It sounds like so much fun! It also sounds like one of those books you can read time and time again whenever you're feeling down! Thanks for bringing this book to my attention Mimi I will try and check it out soon! :)

  8. Excellent review Mimi! I absolutely LOVE the sound of this one and anything that can make me laugh is a must read. Snarky characters are my favorite, so I am so checking this out right away!

    Thank you so much for sharing Mimi - have a great Monday! <3<3<3

  9. SOLD! To be honest, before your review I didn't really have a desire to read this book but now I do! I like books that make me laugh until my cheeks hurt and Shelby sounds adorable. I'm glad you ended up liking it more than you expected. As always, wonderful review, Mimi. <3

  10. I'm really interested in how Shelby needs to lose her virginity in five weeks because it sounds very contrived to me. I definitely want to know more about the setup and how Shelby navigates the difficulties that pop up in a humorous way for the reader :)

  11. I have been debating on whether this book would be something to interest me but you definitely make me want to read it, Mimi! I was a little concerned about how her wanting to rush losing her virginity would be portrayed but it sounds like the book focuses a lot of family as well. Thanks for the great review! :)

  12. I'll be honest: even though I've been hearing great things about this book and despite the fact that Jackson Pearce is Maggie Stiefvater's friend, which is recommendation enough as far as I'm concerned, I was never really drawn to this book until now. I expected it to be chick-lit-ish and flippant, and I really didn't think it had all the qualities you've mentioned.
    A warm, insightful story about growing up is just what I need from time to time.
    Wonderful review as always, Mimi. you've changed my mind.

  13. "She expertly writes about the strained, awkward, yet totally sweet relationship between a daughter and a father who are trying to reconnect."

    YES!!! I loved that about this story. I wasn't sure this was going to be a book for me, but I adored it. Shelby was hilarious, and I was dying laughing throughout. I though Jackson handled the topic of sex in a really interesting way, even if I didn't agree with Shelby's reasons for wanting to have sex, I thought the whole situation was done well. Fantastic review Mimi!

  14. Great review, Mimi! This one is on my to-read, so hopefully I can get to it soon!

    Angie @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  15. A flawed, quirky, and ridiculously fun protagonist? I'm curious! Seems like a great story,

    Lovely review, Mimi! :)

  16. I totally have this on my wish list!!!!! I love the sound of it and I LOVE to laugh. I especially like when imporant issues are packed in a hilarious shell :) Wonderful Review!

  17. Oooh, I'm sold!! Great review, Mimi. I'm definitely going to check this one out really soon. :D

  18. Great review :D ! I've read mixed review before and didn't know if I wanted to read it but with your review I'm sold too I really need to buy a copy. This book sounds really unique. I've read Jackson Pearce debut novel As you wish two years ago and loved it !

  19. Wow! Mimi this sounds like a great book! One with a light-hearted feel and also some great life lessons! I'll definitely be picking this one up. I'm really looking forward to reading Pearce - I've only heard great things about her! :D

  20. Purity is such a fun read. I know I laughed to the point of teas a few times. I also loved shelby and her snark! Great review! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  21. Aaaaaaah, I ADORED your review!! <3 Seriously, you make me even more eager to buy the book. I've never read anything by the author, but when I saw the book's description, I knew I had to read such a cute book. And now you've convinced me it's as cute as it seemed at first! *--*

    I love seeing family relationships/ties in books, so I can't pass this one up. I really think it's a book that will be nice to read.

    Have an amazing (rest of) Monday, Mimi! <3 <3

  22. You had me at short and sweet read. Definitely will be checking this one out! Great review, Mimi :)

  23. Mimi, sometimes you are just too adorable to be real! <333 I wanted to read this when I heard it was about a girl rushing to lose her virginity as a promise to her mother (do you see the irony there?!); I put this near the top of my TBR pile when I tracked your reading status of this on Goodreads and read your SUPER SWEET comments; and I added this to my buy-pile as soon as you said that this book would make me laugh!! (: I get red-faced easily by mentions of sex too so it's perfect for me that it's not explicit LOL -- if it was? I don't think I could handle it! (x

    FANTABULOUS review, Mimi-Doll! I'll always adore your enthusiasm, forever and always! <33333333 (:

  24. Great, great review Mimi! I have heard a lot of mixed reviews about this book, but when I read yours I felt so happy and I am in love with your enthusiasm! Now I am definitely going to read it. Jackson Pierce is amazing and is SO one of my favorite authors!

    Check outMy Latest Post? :)

    As always, great review hun!


  25. I am so glad to see that you liked this. I am looking forward to reading it. I liked Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce. This one sounds entirely different and still wonderful. Thanks for the great review.

  26. Wow, you've convinced me! I want to laugh like that! I have heard from others that its good too, so its def on my MUST read list!

  27. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog you're so nice :D ! It's nice to meet you too !

  28. It sounds like you saud a sweet book, and we can know that just by the cover. it's a nice one. I didn't know this book but I'm glad you enjoyed it. thanks mimi!

  29. This sounds like a really cute and fun book. If I'm honest I'm also dying to know if she lost her virginity or if she actually makes that promise at the Princess Ball. I'm hoping she has a good talk with her dad and works things out so all her promises stay true yet she can still stay true to herself. She shouldn't rush but she shouldn't feel like she is stuck in a promise she doesn't want to be in. Quite a dilemma!

  30. I love how Shelby tries to get past the two promises that she's made. How refreshing that her dad is even a part of her life! Besides, how can you overlook a book with a cover straight out of a Tiffany's advert? I am so there.

  31. SNARKY PROTAGONIST?! Mimi! You know how to hook me in with just one word :D Oh she sounds like such an awesome character and I love me a trio of hilarious friends! I haven't read any of Jackson's novels, though I do have a copy of Sisters Red, but thanks to you I am SO excited to get started on her books! Purity is so going on my wishlist now! :D

  32. I have yet to read anything by Jackson Pearce, I know, I'm lame, but my sister has and is a big fan. And we have actually met Ms. Pearce, and she is amazing!

    I love a snarky protag that is easy to connect with, and I haven't come across many father/daughter relationships in YA so for that alone, I definitely want to read this one.

  33. fantasic review mimi

    i so wantthis book[i feel like a broken record lol]

  34. Oh my gosh, I so have to read this one ASAP! It sounds SO good and fun and just like something I need. I have a friend who loves Jackson too and she's pushing me into reading her work! Can't wait. :D

  35. Awww, sounds so good! Finally I know what this book is about! And hell, it sounds perfect for me :D :D Great review Mimi! I should definitely check it out! ;) I will ;)

  36. LOL I LOVE YOUR WARNING MIMI! Hahaha, I think I shall buy a copy of this to read! It sounds absolutely HILARIOUS! I read the first line of the blurb and went "SERIOUSLY? NOT MY TYPE OF BOOK", but after reading your review, I'm definitely taking that back! Shelby sounds like the type of main character I LOVEEEE - hahahaah "medal of EPIC SNARK" well...THEN OBVIOUSLY I'LL LIKE HER! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm so excited for this now!!! Thank you for introducing me to this amazing book :) I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much Mimi!

  37. Aaaaah! MIMIIIIIIIII! This sounds AMAZING! SO much fun, and so funny, and one of my best friends read it and loved it and eeeeee! Your review=me so excited! FABULOUS review as ALWAYS, beautiful Mimimimimimimimimimimimimimimiiii!

  38. Awhhh, this book sounds AWESOME! I'm going to read the fairytale retellings but I'll certainly read this one. I like it when a main character is dedicated to something, even when it sounds goofy first. The whole concept is fascinating. Your review makes me all jumpy: I'm so excited for this one :D

  39. Mimi, this sounds really cute and super funny. Two things I love. I'll have to check this one out. :)

  40. I haven't heard much good stuff about this from others so I'm glad to find out that you ended up really enjoying it! Mimi, I've said it before and I'll say it again: your reviews ROCK! Fantastic review, you've now interested me and I'm looking forward to hopefully giving this one a go in the near future! <33


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