Sunday, February 12, 2012

In My Mailbox #17

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we spotlight the books that we've received for review, swapped, or purchased that week. It's a really great idea and I'm excited to take part! :)


(This book is even more gorgeous in person! Thanks a million to Hachette Book Group Canada for the squeal-worthy finished copy I already read and loved it!)


Forbidden by Syire James and Ryan M. James
Fracture by Megan Miranda
Hourglass Myra McEntire
Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley


Destiny's Fire by Trisha Wolf

I don't think I'll ever get tired of beaming like I win the lottery when books arrive in my mailbox! ;) Thanks so much again to Hachette Book Group Canada for being part of that reason! 



P.S. I'm out of town until Tuesday night for a school field trip which I forgot all about until recently. I'm so sorry!! I hate hate hate leaving my blog unattended, but I promise this will be my last time for a long time (unless I make it to Nationals, which I doubt haha). I'm really sorry again! Be back soon!


  1. Awesome books this week Mimi! You must let me know how Destiny's Fire is. :-)

  2. OMG! Graffiti Moon is just AWESOME! I promise it won't disappoint! Great haul!

    Drop by my IMM?

  3. Have a good trip, Mimi! I totally forgot about Destiny's Fire, need to buy it like yesterday :))) Enjoy all your reads!

  4. Nice haul! I hope you enjoy Hourglass, I thought it was pretty good and I'm interested enough to check out the sequel later this year.

  5. Mimi!! I can't wait to see what do you think of Hourglass!! :) Great mailbox and have fun on your trip! :) ;)

  6. Mimi! I am always jealous of your books! I wanted to have them all. =)
    maybe except Hourglass because I already own it but I have not read it yet. Need to asap =)

    Have a good and safe trip and enjoy reading as well!

    here's my IMM if you still have time to check it out

  7. Great mailbox, Mimi! I'm glad you liked Statistical Probability of Love, I've heard great things about it. Fracture, Hourglass, and Forbidden have some of the prettiest covers ever. Seriously, you have like a square of prettiness up there :)
    You can check out my IMM if you want. Happy Reading :)

    Krista - Nawanda Files

  8. Great books! I love the cover for Destiny's Fire. I've been meaning to read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight for ages now.

  9. These all seem great. Happy Reading! :)

  10. Great set! I so loved Statistical Probability. Glad you liked it too.
    My IMM

  11. Fracture and Destinys Fire are both really really good! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  12. Destinys Fire looks amazing! :)

    Tabby @Insightful Minds - Check out my IMM - Here

  13. I finished Probability last week and loved it! I also enjoyed Hourglass. Can't wait for Forbidden, looks awesome. Happy reading :)

    My IMM

  14. Awesome bunch this week, Mimi! I'm really looking forward to reading Fracture and Graffiti Moon too, I can't believe I still haven't gotten around to them yet.

    And don't worry, we will miss you, but we'll still be here when you get back. :) Hope you have a great time on your trip!

    Wendy @ at The Midnight Garden

  15. Great Mailbox this week, Mimi! I want to read all of the books in your "borrowed" section! I hope you enjoy them. :)

    IMM @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  16. I just finished Graffiti Moon today. Freaking LOVED it, in a big way. And I can't get over how gorgeous the cover of Forbidden is. Please tell me the story is just as gorgeous.

    I hope you have a blast on your field trip. Take some pictures to share if you can. Might convince me to move to Canada and get away from all this sun. LOL

  17. OMG Mimi! You got Graffiti Moon! Too awesome <3 Oh, how wonderful that you got Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, Fracture and Forbidden. I want to read those so bad. You got another epic awesome mailbox this week. I'm loving all the book :) Can't wait to know your thoughts on GM. <3

    Love always,
    Your sis, Jess <3 :) lol

    My IMM

    P.S. Have fun on your trip <3

  18. Ooh you got Destiny's Fire! I've been meaning to grab a copy of that book for a while now! Apparently it's really great. :) I hope you will also enjoy Graffiti Moon. Everyone I know who has read that book has had nothing but good things to say about it. Great haul this week, Mimi! Getting books through the post always puts a huge smile on my face, too. :D

    Have fun on your field trip!

  19. OMG! Graffiti Moon and Destiny's Fire!! Me want! I'm so jealous :P I can't wait to see what you think of them! Have fun on your trip :)

    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

  20. I haven't read any of these, but I hope you enjoy them!

    My IMM

  21. OOOh I hope you'll enjoy the statistical, it's a really nice book. Enjoy!

  22. Ooo, I got Fracture this week as well! Great minds!!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading

    Lindsay :)
    Turning the Pages

  23. Have fun on your field trip! I'll be interested in comparing notes on Forbidden when you finish it. Oh, and Fracture! That book is seriously at the TOP of my to-read list. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  24. These all look delicious. I am eager to read Fracture. Enjoy your trip and don't worry about us, we'll be here when you get back. =^D

  25. Oh my gosh! I so love your IMM. I want to read everything in here. o: *excited* Although I already know Fracture is awesome. ;) But the rest... Wantttt. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it all!!

    Have an awesome time on your field trip, Mimi. :D We'll be waiting for you to get back!

  26. AWESOMEbooks my dear! I have FOrbidden here with me! Hopefully Im getting to it this weekend! woohoo!! =P

    Dazzling Reads

  27. Enjoy all your new reads! I haven't read any of these, I'll be looking forward to your reviews.

  28. OMG HOURGLASS. MIMI. OH MIMI, READ IT NOW?! okay, okay, breathing. GREAT books, there, chica. Fracture is quite awesome. :)

    My IMM

  29. EEEEEEEEE! MIMI! Amazing mailbox! TSPOLAFS! YESSS! HOW pretty is that cover in person??? :OOOOO

    Eeee! And Fracture! Hourglass! GRAFFITI MOON! Seriously--I hope you enjoy all these! SOOO much amazing reading!

  30. I've heard good things about Fracture and Hourglass. Hope you enjoy!

  31. Statistical Probability!! Isn't Oliver charming? <3 And Fracture was so not what I was expecting, but I loved every minute of it. Eeeee and Forbidden! Grafitti Moon! Destiny's Fire! Hourglass! (I have a copy of that, WHY have I not read it yet?!). So many delicious books this week, cannot wait to see what you think so you can convince me to read some of them too :D

    And have fun on your field trip! Of coures you're going to make it to Nationals. Didn't you get the memo that you're awesome? :D

  32. I so cannot wait for you to read Graffiti Moon. I just know you're going to love it. And hey, if it happens to be by an Australian author, so much the better!

  33. I have a few of those on my TBR list. I have been meaning to read Hourglass, and plan to check out Fracture and Forbidden.


  34. I'm dying to read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, it seems like a very cute and nice read! Airports, boy and girl, a long flight... What could be more awesome?

    I read Graffiti Moon a while ago and there's nothing to say that could describe its level of amazingness. It's like pure art put into words. Or something like that. But really, I had a wonderful time reading it... *daydreams*

    I have yet to read Hourglass, Fracture and Forbidden, although I hope I have the opportunity soon. I've read great things of them all!

    Oh, and have fun on your trip~ I like your blog, new follower! ;)
    Sophie @ Sweet Sweet Pages

  35. AWESOME mailbox Mimi! I adored Graffiti Moon, definitely a favorite read of the year so far! I've heard good things about Forbidden too, and angel books are growing on me so I can't wait to see what you think of it:)

  36. Ohhhh I hope you enjoy Forbidden!! it looks so good :) Have fun on your trip!!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  37. I hope you enjoy your field trip, Mimi! Too bad that I won't see more of your lovely posts until then! I hope you enjoy Grafitti Moon, can't wait to read your review on it! Everyone seems to love the book, I hope you like it too! Awesome IMM, I bet your reviews will be awesome as well! :)

    Have a LOVEFUL day, Mimi! This is my way to share love since I don't celebrate Valentine LOL. I wish your day is full of LOVE! <3

  38. Happy Valentine's Day Mimi :) ♥ I am sending you some love ♥ ♥ ♥

    Enjoy ;) ♥


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts! I love hearing what you have to say, and I always try to comment on one of your blog posts in return! :)

It's really nice to meet you!