Thursday, September 08, 2011

Review: Juliet Immortal

Book: Juliet Immortal
Author: Stacey Jay
Release Date: August 9, 2011
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Pages: 304
Source: KPL
Stars: 4/5
The greatest love story ever told, is a lie.

Juliet Capulet didn't take her own life. She was murdered by the person she trusted most, her new husband, Romeo Montague, a sacrifice made to ensure his own immortality. But what Romeo didn't anticipate was that Juliet would be granted eternity, as well, and would become an agent for the Ambassadors of Light. For 700 years, she's fought Romeo for the souls of true lovers, struggling to preserve romantic love and the lives of the innocent. Until the day she meets someone she's forbidden to love, and Romeo, oh Romeo, will do everything in his power to destroy that love.

(summary taken from Goodreads)

I actually love all things Shakespeare, so I was really excited to read this book. And it was completely original in every way!  

Juliet Immortal was nothing like I thought it would be, but that wasn't a bad thing! Although a little confusing at first, Stacey Jay quickly sucked you into Juliet's world where Romeo was to be hated, her very existence was for saving other soul mates, and falling in love with the super-awesome new boy (Ben) was impossible.  

I just adored everything about Juliet. She was sweet, caring, incredibly intelligent, yet she had a fire in her that was hard not to admire. And I expected to hate Romeo way more than I did, but I just couldn't dislike a boy who was obviously suffering from his past decisions every single day.  

Overall, I really enjoyed Juliet Immortal! I felt that some things were simply breathtaking while others were a little unbelievable, but that didn't lessen the enjoyment factor one bit. Even if you haven't read Romeo and Juliet before, you should still pick up this book! :) 

BUY or BORROW?: Definitely a book for any Shakespeare-lover's bookshelf!  



  1. Awesome review! I love all things shakespeare too, so when I saw this along with Falling For Hamlet I knew I had to read it. Glad to hear it's as good as it sounds, can't wait to get a copy! :)

  2. Thanks for the review, I have been looking forward to this one, so it's good to know that my wait has been totally worth it! ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  3. Good review! :) I've been a little hesitant on this one! But, we'll have to see what happens! I like your review of it.

  4. Great review. I love retellings of any classic story so I have been wanting to read this and you did a great job in reviewing it. I am even more excited to read it now.

  5. Love your review! I've yet to read this one - it's on my list though! :)

  6. A great review! I've been quite interested in this for some time, so it's nice to see some opinions on it! I might have to give this one a try actually, I'm usually a fan of Romeo and Juliet stories... And the cover is so gorgeous! Lol.

    Kindle Fever

  7. I still haven't read this!!! I so need to!

  8. I was curious about this book, I really loved Dead on the Delta by the same author. This one have a really beautiful cover too. Thanks for the review !

  9. I liked this one too; it wasn't perfect but it was enjoyable enough.

  10. Glad to hear that this book is likable! :) I'm now reading/studying A Midsummer Night's Dream for a class of school. After that I have to read another play written by Shakespeare, thinking about Romeo and Juliet. :) Maybe after reading this book. ;)

  11. Awesome review Mimi!! I've first seen this book in the end of Summer and I tought "I really should read this book" and I got it! But actually I haven't pick it up yet :P :P I think this year I will :) ;)


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